Monkey see, Monkey do. Mother I want to make memories with you!

Psalm 127:3 (KJV)
Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.


As I have said in the past we often get caught up in the monotony of the day to day, and get lost in our daily lives. For me I struggle to keep a clean house. So in trying to do so I often get lost in trying to keep up. I sometimes forget to make time for fun with my children. Well one evening this past week I was sitting in my chair, and the dishwasher was finishing up it’s second load for the day… Eden was in bed early due to missing her nap… I turned and asked Brandy if she would like to make some Brownies. Well what 5 year old is going to say no to that?

So it was nigh onto 7pm, and I pulled up the recipe, we gathered the ingredients, and whipped up a batch! She was rather bummed when they were done baking, and I told her she had to wait until the following day to have one! However she was not at all upset over Brownies for breakfast!

Now at 7pm at night, and a busy day of dishes, vacuuming, bed making, laundry, meal making etc. The last thing I really wanted to do was bake brownies! But I’ll tell ya! I HAD SO MUCH FUN WITH THAT GIRL! She is growing to be such a big helper in my life! She is just like me! Loud, obnoxious, annoying! But she has a huge heart! She is caring, loving, and tender hearted! Emotional, and quirky!

However we all need to remember as tired mothers, and fathers. You don’t even need to carve out special time to make memories with your children! Just tonight I was making homemade Alfredo for supper… This girl pulled out the step stool, and was right along side of me. I handed her the whisk for the sauce and she did a mediocre job. I know I’m extremely guilty of kicking my children out of the kitchen when I’m trying to cook. Those little bodies seem to get in the way! But I’m slowly learning to teach them instead of kick them out. After all how can I expect her to one day be a good homemaker if I don’t teach her what a homemaker does? How can I expect my children to not be lazy if I tell them go watch a movie while I prepare dinner? Habits are learned, which means someone taught them. When we make memories with our children we are also teaching them.

My husband takes them to the garage when he does work. My 5 year old has helped put in a fuel pump! My 5 year old probably knows more about car diagnostics than some full grown men! Because that’s how my husband makes memories with them. They do car work, and they’ll help build fires for marshmallows, and grilling.

Not all of our memories are hard work… We have gone to Knoebels, and played video games, gone out for ice cream etc. But the hard working memories are the ones that will carry them into adult hood. When asking Brandy “What’s your favorite thing to do with mother” Her response was “When we sing songs about Jesus as loud as we can!” We do that while we sweep the floor, cook supper, wash the dishes etc.

Every day we make decisions that impact the ones we love. How do you plan to impact your family today?

One comment

  1. Yes. Being at the other end of this for some of my grown up kids, I also think it adds to their work ethics! My kids are some of the most hard working people I know! They do so well on their jobs (my sons) they far advance their peers in promotions and things because the boss knows their work ethic is super good. My grown daughters run their own little companies while they stay home and raise the kids! Hard working mama and daddy who let their children observe them working and ask them to help make for great future hard working kiddos. God for you!

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