A Busy Society, With Lazier People.

Often in my day to day i will run across Facebook posts, or videos about peoples busy day to day lives. They have work to do, classes to attend, meals to cook, a house to clean, bills to pay, children to care for, beds to make, dishes to wash, and the list goes on. And then many of these same people do not understand how mothers managed to keep their homes so spotless in years gone by. It seems people either compare their homes to those of mothers of the 50’s who often had two-three times the amount of children, or they just say “Ah well kids will be kids, and that’s why my house looks like a natural disaster hit it.” I also think often in our day to day lives when our homes aren’t to the standards we want them at we make excuses. Excuses to make ourselves feel better. “Well the dishes are dirty because I feed my children” “The floor is messy because my children were playing” “The floor wasn’t vacuumed because I was tending to xyz.” Trust me I get it! I am like the Queen of excuses!

But in all honesty between the consumerism of America, and the lack of discipline, morale, and hard work in our society… Our houses are not clean, because we as a society have become lazy.

Now that’s not to put people down, but instead to wake people up. Back when homes were spotless children didn’t have many toys. Children also had more discipline to clean up after themselves. But then again it didn’t take much for them to do so because they didn’t have much to tend to. But we also live in a lazy society, and here is why.

In our society most homes have at least one vehicle, and in many homes at least 2 vehicles. People rarely walk anywhere. We drive. Tell someone to walk a mile, and you’d think you asked them to walk a tight rope over the highway. In many cases we drive somewhere to walk. Just the other day I drove to a trail to ride my bike. Back in the day if a house had a vehicle the man of the house took it to work. So the woman? She walked her children to school, she walked to the grocery store, she walked to the park, she walked to a friends house. SHE WALKED! But also in those instances there were places within walking distance. As our society becomes more technologically advanced we do not need to walk much of anywhere! And in many cases we don’t even need to leave the house! Just a tap of our finger, and we can have it delivered to our door. Because of that the mom & pop soda shop is no longer. The candy man? He’s gone.

Our prices are increasing, and we need two parents often working, because people think they need cable/dish, a high end phone, an expensive phone plan, a $500k house, a wardrobe with more clothes and shoes than you can wear in a year, a playroom so big your child wants for nothing, surround sound, a home gym, a gym membership, a 9 piece bedroom set, a guest room, 4 bathrooms, the list goes on. We consume. But then we are producing children who many don’t raise to clean up after themselves. “Excuse the mess my children are making memories” You can make memories and still have something clean. I’m not very good at keeping house all of the time. I’m a real day homemaker. But I realized a couple years ago why my house was always trashed.
1. I wasn’t strict in having my children clean up after themselves
2. We had WAY too much for our 1500sqft space.

We as society are busy taking children to 300 activities. Trying to enrich their lives through dance, and karate, and yoga, and baseball, and football, and soccer, and horse back riding, and camp, and music lessons… Experiences are good… But they shouldn’t consume your life either. We drive from place to place, and sit on our phones. We neglect our houses, and don’t cherish our children. We go through the motions with no real thought… AND THAT MY FRIENDS IS WHY WE HAVE BUSIER LIVES WITH LAZIER PEOPLE! Because people are not thinking. They are just doing.


  1. “You can make memories and still have something clean.” – Absolutely right. And I enjoyed this post, it was definitely refreshing. Excuses drive me crazy, just own it! I like a tidy home and so does my husband, so we and our kids have to…you know – CLEAN it! 😛 But yeah, having less helps, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Capitalism is shit. Consumerism needs to jump of a cliff; People live outside their means. We overconsume to the point we drown in unnecessary crap- crap that makes it 100% harder to do what we need to do. All that’s true, certainly. But just because families and activities don’t look like they did in the 50’s, it doesn’t mean suddenly people are lazy.

    I don’t think it’s laziness so much as it is a shift in priorities; we don’t value homemaking and basic acts of domesticity like we did 10, 15, 20 years ago. We value money… But we don’t just value it, either. We have to work twice as hard to earn an amount comparable to what our parents easily earned when they were our age.

    It’s harder than it should be to earn a reasonable living wage. People managing it, to me, doesn’t scream “laziness”. It screams necessary dedication… And overextention… And overexertion… All of which requires a priority shift because we’re not superman / superwoman. At some point there’s so much to do that you literally can’t even begin to do it all. And those excuses? Feel more like the balm people use to make them feel better about not reasonably being able to keep up anymore.


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